path: root/package/iptables/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'package/iptables/Makefile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 475 deletions
diff --git a/package/iptables/Makefile b/package/iptables/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ff7d428..0000000
--- a/package/iptables/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2012
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-include $(TOPDIR)/
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
- \
- \
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
-ifeq ($(DUMP),)
- -include $(LINUX_DIR)/.config
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
- STAMP_CONFIGURED:=$(strip $(STAMP_CONFIGURED))_$(shell $(SH_FUNC) grep 'NETFILTER' $(LINUX_DIR)/.config | md5s)
-define Package/iptables/Default
- SECTION:=net
- CATEGORY:=Network
- SUBMENU:=Firewall
- URL:=
-define Package/iptables/Module
-$(call Package/iptables/Default)
- DEPENDS:=iptables $(1)
-define Package/iptables
-$(call Package/iptables/Default)
- TITLE:=IPv4 firewall administration tool
- MENU:=1
- DEPENDS+= +kmod-ipt-core +libip4tc +libxtables
-define Package/iptables/description
-IPv4 firewall administration tool.
- Matches:
- - icmp
- - tcp
- - udp
- - comment
- - limit
- - mac
- - multiport
- Targets:
- - DROP
- - LOG
- Tables:
- - filter
- - mangle
-define Package/iptables-mod-conntrack-extra
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-conntrack-extra)
- TITLE:=Extra connection tracking extensions
-define Package/iptables-mod-conntrack-extra/description
-Extra iptables extensions for connection tracking.
- Matches:
- - connbytes
- - connmark
- - recent
- - helper
- Targets:
-define Package/iptables-mod-filter
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-filter)
- TITLE:=Content inspection extensions
-define Package/iptables-mod-filter/description
-iptables extensions for packet content inspection.
-Includes support for:
- Matches:
- - layer7
- - string
-define Package/iptables-mod-ipopt
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-ipopt)
- TITLE:=IP/Packet option extensions
-define Package/iptables-mod-ipopt/description
-iptables extensions for matching/changing IP packet options.
- Matches:
- - dscp
- - ecn
- - length
- - mark
- - statistic
- - tcpmss
- - time
- - unclean
- - hl
- Targets:
- - DSCP
- - ECN
- - MARK
- - HL
-define Package/iptables-mod-ipsec
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-ipsec)
- TITLE:=IPsec extensions
-define Package/iptables-mod-ipsec/description
-iptables extensions for matching ipsec traffic.
- Matches:
- - ah
- - esp
- - policy
-define Package/iptables-mod-ipset
-$(call Package/iptables/Module,)
- TITLE:=IPset iptables extensions
-define Package/iptables-mod-ipset/description
-IPset iptables extensions.
- Matches:
- - set
- Targets:
- - SET
-define Package/iptables-mod-nat-extra
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-nat-extra)
- TITLE:=Extra NAT extensions
-define Package/iptables-mod-nat-extra/description
-iptables extensions for extra NAT targets.
- Targets:
-define Package/iptables-mod-ulog
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-ulog)
- TITLE:=user-space packet logging
-define Package/iptables-mod-ulog/description
-iptables extensions for user-space packet logging.
- Targets:
- - ULOG
-define Package/iptables-mod-hashlimit
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-hashlimit)
- TITLE:=hashlimit matching
-define Package/iptables-mod-hashlimit/description
-iptables extensions for hashlimit matching
- Matches:
- - hashlimit
-define Package/iptables-mod-iprange
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-iprange)
- TITLE:=IP range extension
-define Package/iptables-mod-iprange/description
-iptables extensions for matching ip ranges.
- Matches:
- - iprange
-define Package/iptables-mod-extra
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-extra)
- TITLE:=Other extra iptables extensions
-define Package/iptables-mod-extra/description
-Other extra iptables extensions.
- Matches:
- - condition
- - owner
- - physdev (if ebtables is enabled)
- - pkttype
- - quota
-define Package/iptables-mod-led
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-led)
- TITLE:=LED trigger iptables extension
-define Package/iptables-mod-led/description
-iptables extension for triggering a LED.
- Targets:
- - LED
-define Package/iptables-mod-tproxy
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-tproxy)
- TITLE:=Transparent proxy iptables extensions
-define Package/iptables-mod-tproxy/description
-Transparent proxy iptables extensions.
- Matches:
- - socket
- Targets:
-define Package/iptables-mod-tee
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-tee)
- TITLE:=TEE iptables extensions
-define Package/iptables-mod-tee/description
-TEE iptables extensions.
- Targets:
- - TEE
-define Package/iptables-mod-u32
-$(call Package/iptables/Module, +kmod-ipt-u32)
- TITLE:=U32 iptables extensions
-define Package/iptables-mod-u32/description
-U32 iptables extensions.
- Matches:
- - u32
-define Package/ip6tables
-$(call Package/iptables/Default)
- DEPENDS:=+kmod-ip6tables +libip6tc +libxtables
- TITLE:=IPv6 firewall administration tool
- MENU:=1
-define Package/libiptc
-$(call Package/iptables/Default)
- SECTION:=libs
- CATEGORY:=Libraries
- DEPENDS:=+libip4tc +libip6tc
- TITLE:=IPv4/IPv6 firewall - shared libiptc library (compatibility stub)
-define Package/libip4tc
-$(call Package/iptables/Default)
- SECTION:=libs
- CATEGORY:=Libraries
- TITLE:=IPv4 firewall - shared libiptc library
-define Package/libip6tc
-$(call Package/iptables/Default)
- SECTION:=libs
- CATEGORY:=Libraries
- TITLE:=IPv6 firewall - shared libiptc library
-define Package/libxtables
- $(call Package/iptables/Default)
- SECTION:=libs
- CATEGORY:=Libraries
- TITLE:=IPv4/IPv6 firewall - shared xtables library
-define Package/libipq
- $(call Package/iptables/Default)
- SECTION:=libs
- CATEGORY:=Libraries
- TITLE:=IPv4/IPv6 firewall - shared libipq library
- -I$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/include \
- -I$(LINUX_DIR)/user_headers/include \
- -I$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/include \
- -I$(LINUX_DIR)/user_headers/include
- --enable-shared \
- --enable-devel \
- $(if $(CONFIG_IPV6),--enable-ipv6,--disable-ipv6) \
- --enable-libipq \
- --with-kernel="$(LINUX_DIR)/user_headers" \
- --with-xtlibdir=/usr/lib/iptables \
- --enable-static
- KERNEL_DIR="$(LINUX_DIR)/user_headers/" PREFIX=/usr \
- BUILTIN_MODULES="$(patsubst ipt_%,%,$(patsubst xt_%,%,$(IPT_BUILTIN) $(IPT_CONNTRACK-m) $(IPT_NAT-m)))"
-define Build/InstallDev
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/include
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/include/iptables
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/include/net/netfilter
- # XXX: iptables header fixup, some headers are not installed by iptables anymore
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/include/net/netfilter/*.h $(1)/usr/include/net/netfilter/
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/include/iptables/*.h $(1)/usr/include/iptables/
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/include/iptables.h $(1)/usr/include/
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/include/libipq/libipq.h $(1)/usr/include/
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/include/libipulog $(1)/usr/include/
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/include/libiptc $(1)/usr/include/
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/include/* $(1)/usr/include/
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/* $(1)/usr/lib/
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libip** $(1)/usr/lib/
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/* $(1)/usr/lib/
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/pkgconfig
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/pkgconfig/xtables.pc $(1)/usr/lib/pkgconfig/
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libiptc.pc $(1)/usr/lib/pkgconfig/
-define Package/iptables/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/iptables $(1)/usr/sbin/
- $(LN) iptables $(1)/usr/sbin/iptables-save
- $(LN) iptables $(1)/usr/sbin/iptables-restore
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/iptables
-define Package/ip6tables/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/ip6tables $(1)/usr/sbin/
- $(LN) ip6tables $(1)/usr/sbin/ip6tables-save
- $(LN) ip6tables $(1)/usr/sbin/ip6tables-restore
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/iptables
- (cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/iptables ; \
- $(CP) libip6t_*.so $(1)/usr/lib/iptables/ \
- )
-define Package/libiptc/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/* $(1)/usr/lib/
-define Package/libip4tc/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/* $(1)/usr/lib/
-define Package/libip6tc/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/* $(1)/usr/lib/
-define Package/libxtables/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/* $(1)/usr/lib/
-define Package/libipq/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/* $(1)/usr/lib/
-define BuildPlugin
- define Package/$(1)/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/lib/iptables
- for m in $(patsubst xt_%,ipt_%,$(2)) $(patsubst ipt_%,xt_%,$(2)); do \
- if [ -f $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/iptables/lib$$$$$$$${m}.so ]; then \
- $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/iptables/lib$$$$$$$${m}.so $$(1)/usr/lib/iptables/ ; \
- fi; \
- done
- $(3)
- endef
- $$(eval $$(call BuildPackage,$(1)))
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/etc/l7-protocols; \
- $(CP) files/l7/*.pat $$(1)/etc/l7-protocols/
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,iptables))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-conntrack-extra,$(IPT_CONNTRACK_EXTRA-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-extra,$(IPT_EXTRA-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-filter,$(IPT_FILTER-m),$(L7_INSTALL)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-ipopt,$(IPT_IPOPT-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-ipsec,$(IPT_IPSEC-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-ipset,ipt_set ipt_SET))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-nat-extra,$(IPT_NAT_EXTRA-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-iprange,$(IPT_IPRANGE-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-ulog,$(IPT_ULOG-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-hashlimit,$(IPT_HASHLIMIT-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-led,$(IPT_LED-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-tproxy,$(IPT_TPROXY-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-tee,$(IPT_TEE-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,iptables-mod-u32,$(IPT_U32-m)))
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,ip6tables))
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,libiptc))
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,libip4tc))
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,libip6tc))
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,libxtables))
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,libipq))