path: root/package/network/utils/comgt/files/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'package/network/utils/comgt/files/')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/package/network/utils/comgt/files/ b/package/network/utils/comgt/files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14e421f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/utils/comgt/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+. /lib/
+. ../
+init_proto "$@"
+proto_ncm_init_config() {
+ no_device=1
+ available=1
+ proto_config_add_string "device:device"
+ proto_config_add_string apn
+ proto_config_add_string auth
+ proto_config_add_string username
+ proto_config_add_string password
+ proto_config_add_string pincode
+ proto_config_add_string delay
+ proto_config_add_string mode
+proto_ncm_setup() {
+ local interface="$1"
+ local manufacturer initialize setmode connect
+ local device apn auth username password pincode delay mode
+ json_get_vars device apn auth username password pincode delay mode
+ [ -n "$device" ] || {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "No control device specified"
+ proto_notify_error "$interface" NO_DEVICE
+ proto_set_available "$interface" 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ [ -e "$device" ] || {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Control device not valid"
+ proto_set_available "$interface" 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ [ -n "$apn" ] || {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "No APN specified"
+ proto_notify_error "$interface" NO_APN
+ proto_set_available "$interface" 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ [ -n "$delay" ] && sleep "$delay"
+ manufacturer=`gcom -d "$device" -s /etc/gcom/getcardinfo.gcom | awk '/Manufacturer/ { print $2 }'`
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Failed to get modem information"
+ proto_notify_error "$interface" GETINFO_FAILED
+ proto_set_available "$interface" 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ json_load "$(cat /etc/gcom/ncm.json)"
+ json_select "$manufacturer"
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Unsupported modem"
+ proto_notify_error "$interface" UNSUPPORTED_MODEM
+ proto_set_available "$interface" 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ json_get_values initialize initialize
+ for i in $initialize; do
+ eval COMMAND="$i" gcom -d "$device" -s /etc/gcom/runcommand.gcom || {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Failed to initialize modem"
+ proto_notify_error "$interface" INITIALIZE_FAILED
+ proto_set_available "$interface" 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ done
+ [ -n "$pincode" ] && {
+ PINCODE="$pincode" gcom -d "$device" -s /etc/gcom/setpin.gcom || {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Unable to verify PIN"
+ proto_notify_error "$interface" PIN_FAILED
+ proto_block_restart "$interface"
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ [ -n "$mode" ] && {
+ json_select modes
+ json_get_var setmode "$mode"
+ COMMAND="$setmode" gcom -d "$device" -s /etc/gcom/runcommand.gcom || {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Failed to set operating mode"
+ proto_notify_error "$interface" SETMODE_FAILED
+ proto_set_available "$interface" 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ json_select ..
+ }
+ json_get_var connect connect
+ eval COMMAND="$connect" gcom -d "$device" -s /etc/gcom/runcommand.gcom || {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Failed to connect"
+ proto_notify_error "$interface" CONNECT_FAILED
+ proto_set_available "$interface" 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Connected, starting DHCP"
+ proto_init_update "*" 1
+ proto_send_update "$interface"
+ json_init
+ json_add_string name "${interface}_dhcp"
+ json_add_string ifname "@$interface"
+ json_add_string proto "dhcp"
+ json_close_object
+ ubus call network add_dynamic "$(json_dump)"
+ json_init
+ json_add_string name "${interface}_dhcpv6"
+ json_add_string ifname "@$interface"
+ json_add_string proto "dhcpv6"
+ json_close_object
+ ubus call network add_dynamic "$(json_dump)"
+proto_ncm_teardown() {
+ local interface="$1"
+ proto_init_update "*" 0
+ proto_send_update "$interface"
+ local manufacturer disconnect
+ local device
+ json_get_vars device
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Stopping network"
+ manufacturer=`gcom -d "$device" -s /etc/gcom/getcardinfo.gcom | awk '/Manufacturer/ { print $2 }'`
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Failed to get modem information"
+ proto_notify_error "$interface" GETINFO_FAILED
+ return 1
+ }
+ json_load "$(cat /etc/gcom/ncm.json)"
+ json_select "$manufacturer" || {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Unsupported modem"
+ proto_notify_error "$interface" UNSUPPORTED_MODEM
+ return 1
+ }
+ json_get_var disconnect disconnect
+ COMMAND="$disconnect" gcom -d "$device" -s /etc/gcom/runcommand.gcom || {
+ echo "ncm[$$]" "Failed to disconnect"
+ proto_notify_error "$interface" DISCONNECT_FAILED
+ return 1
+ }
+add_protocol ncm