From 2c62bddcfe20dc4691d13995bfe8c6e3d869d62f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Felix Fietkau <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 03:02:31 +0000
Subject: Add an 'Image Configuration' menu to menuconfig Packages can export a
 list of config options with labels and data types through the metadata. The
 selected config values will be exported to the target filesystem in
 /etc/uci-defaults and applied on the first boot.

SVN-Revision: 6572
 scripts/ | 101 -------------------------------------------
 scripts/ | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 scripts/

(limited to 'scripts')

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0fc80aa..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2006
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-use strict;
-my $name;
-my $src;
-my $makefile;
-my %conf;
-my %pkg;
-my %prereq;
-my %dep;
-my %options;
-my $opt;
-while ($opt = shift @ARGV) {
-	$opt =~ /^-s/ and $options{SDK} = 1;
-my $line;
-while ($line = <>) {
-	chomp $line;
-	$line =~ /^Source-Makefile: \s*(.+\/([^\/]+)\/Makefile)\s*$/ and do {
-		$makefile = $1;
-		$src = $2;
-		defined $pkg{$src} or $pkg{$src} = {};
-		$pkg{$src}->{src} = $src;
-	};
-	$line =~ /^Package: \s*(.+)\s*$/ and do {
-		$name = $1;
-		defined $pkg{$name} or $pkg{$name} = {};
-		$pkg{$name}->{src} = $src;
-	};
-	$line =~ /^Provides: \s*(.+)\s*$/ and do {
-		foreach my $vpkg (split /\s+/, $1) {
-			defined $pkg{$vpkg} or $pkg{$vpkg} = {};
-			$pkg{$vpkg}->{virtual} = 1;
-		}
-	};
-	$line =~ /^Prereq-Check:/ and !defined $prereq{$src} and do {
-		$pkg{$name}->{prereq} = 1;
-	};
-	$line =~ /^(Build-)?Depends: \s*(.+)\s*$/ and do {
-		$pkg{$name}->{depends} ||= [];
-		foreach my $v (split /\s+/, $2) {
-			next if $v =~ /^[\+]?@/;
-			$v =~ s/^\+//;
-			push @{$pkg{$name}->{depends}}, $v;
-		}
-	};
-foreach $name (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %pkg) {
-	my $config;
-	next if defined $pkg{$name}->{virtual};
-	if ($options{SDK}) {
-		$conf{$pkg{$name}->{src}} or do {
-			$config = 'm';
-			$conf{$pkg{$name}->{src}} = 1;
-		};
-	} else {
-		$config = "\$(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$name)"
-	}
-	if ($config) {
-		print "package-$config += $pkg{$name}->{src}\n";
-		$pkg{$name}->{prereq} and print "prereq-$config += $pkg{$name}->{src}\n";
-	}
-	my $hasdeps = 0;
-	my $depline = "";
-	foreach my $dep (@{$pkg{$name}->{depends}}) {
-		my $idx;
-		next if defined $pkg{$dep}->{virtual};
-		if (defined $pkg{$dep}->{src}) {
-			($pkg{$name}->{src} ne $pkg{$dep}->{src}) and $idx = $pkg{$dep}->{src};
-		} elsif (defined($pkg{$dep}) && !$options{SDK}) {
-			$idx = $dep;
-		}
-		undef $idx if $idx =~ /^(kernel)|(base-files)$/;
-		if ($idx) {
-			next if $dep{$pkg{$name}->{src}."->".$idx};
-			$depline .= " $idx\-compile";
-			$dep{$pkg{$name}->{src}."->".$idx} = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	if ($depline ne "") {
-		$line .= "$pkg{$name}->{src}-compile: $depline\n";
-	}
-if ($line ne "") {
-	print "\n$line";
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index b5ee31a..ebe5eb2 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 use strict;
+my %preconfig;
 my %package;
+my %srcpackage;
 my %category;
 sub parse_target_metadata() {
@@ -70,21 +72,26 @@ sub parse_target_metadata() {
 sub parse_package_metadata() {
 	my $pkg;
 	my $makefile;
+	my $preconfig;
 	my $src;
 	while (<>) {
 		/^Source-Makefile: \s*(.+\/([^\/]+)\/Makefile)\s*$/ and do {
 			$makefile = $1;
 			$src = $2;
+			$srcpackage{$src} = [];
 			undef $pkg;
-		/^Package: \s*(.+)\s*$/ and do {
+		/^Package:\s*(.+?)\s*$/ and do {
 			$pkg = {};
 			$pkg->{src} = $src;
 			$pkg->{makefile} = $makefile;
 			$pkg->{name} = $1;
 			$pkg->{default} = "m if ALL";
+			$pkg->{depends} = [];
+			$pkg->{builddepends} = [];
 			$package{$1} = $pkg;
+			push @{$srcpackage{$src}}, $pkg;
 		/^Version: \s*(.+)\s*$/ and $pkg->{version} = $1;
 		/^Title: \s*(.+)\s*$/ and $pkg->{title} = $1;
@@ -103,6 +110,10 @@ sub parse_package_metadata() {
 			my @dep = split /\s+/, $1;
 			$pkg->{depends} = \@dep;
+		/^Build-Depends: \s*(.+)\s*$/ and do {
+			my @dep = split /\s+/, $1;
+			$pkg->{builddepends} = \@dep;
+		};
 		/^Category: \s*(.+)\s*$/ and do {
 			$pkg->{category} = $1;
 			defined $category{$1} or $category{$1} = {};
@@ -126,7 +137,19 @@ sub parse_package_metadata() {
 				$conf .= "$line";
 			$pkg->{config} = $conf;
-		}
+		};
+		/^Prereq-Check:/ and $pkg->{prereq} = 1;
+		/^Preconfig:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and do {
+			my $pkgname = $pkg->{name};
+			$preconfig{$pkgname} or $preconfig{$pkgname} = [];
+			$preconfig = {
+				id => $1
+			};
+			push @{$preconfig{$pkgname}}, $preconfig;
+		};
+		/^Preconfig-Type:\s*(.*?)\s*$/ and $preconfig->{type} = $1;
+		/^Preconfig-Label:\s*(.*?)\s*$/ and $preconfig->{label} = $1;
+		/^Preconfig-Default:\s*(.*?)\s*$/ and $preconfig->{default} = $1;
 	return %category;
@@ -450,23 +473,117 @@ sub print_package_config_category($) {
 sub gen_package_config() {
+	print "menu \"Image configuration\"\n";
+	foreach my $preconfig (keys %preconfig) {
+		print "\tcomment \"$preconfig\"\n";
+		foreach my $cfg (@{$preconfig{$preconfig}}) {
+			my $conf = $cfg->{id};
+			$conf =~ tr/\.-/__/;
+			print <<EOF
+	config UCI_PRECONFIG_$conf
+		string "$cfg->{label}"
+		depends PACKAGE_$preconfig
+		default "$cfg->{default}"
+		}
+	}
+	print "endmenu\n\n";
 	print_package_config_category 'Base system';
 	foreach my $cat (keys %category) {
 		print_package_config_category $cat;
+sub gen_package_mk() {
+	my %conf;
+	my %dep;
+	my $line;
+	parse_package_metadata();
+	foreach my $name (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %package) {
+		my $config;
+		my $pkg = $package{$name};
+		next if defined $pkg->{vdepends};
+		if ($ENV{SDK}) {
+			$conf{$pkg->{src}} or do {
+				$config = 'm';
+				$conf{$pkg->{src}} = 1;
+			};
+		} else {
+			$config = "\$(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$name)"
+		}
+		if ($config) {
+			print "package-$config += $pkg->{src}\n";
+			$pkg->{prereq} and print "prereq-$config += $pkg->{src}\n";
+		}
+		my $hasdeps = 0;
+		my $depline = "";
+		foreach my $dep (@{$pkg->{depends}}, @{$pkg->{builddepends}}) {
+			next if $dep =~ /@/;
+			$dep =~ s/\+//;
+			my $idx;
+			my $pkg_dep = $package{$dep};
+			$pkg_dep or $pkg_dep = $srcpackage{$dep}->[0];
+			next unless defined $pkg_dep;
+			next if defined $pkg_dep->{vdepends};
+			if (defined $pkg_dep->{src}) {
+				($pkg->{src} ne $pkg_dep->{src}) and $idx = $pkg_dep->{src};
+			} elsif (defined($pkg_dep) && !defined($ENV{SDK})) {
+				$idx = $dep;
+			}
+			undef $idx if $idx =~ /^(kernel)|(base-files)$/;
+			if ($idx) {
+				next if $dep{$pkg->{src}."->".$idx};
+				$depline .= " $idx\-compile";
+				$dep{$pkg->{src}."->".$idx} = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		if ($depline) {
+			$line .= "$pkg->{src}-compile: $depline\n";
+		}
+	}
+	if ($line ne "") {
+		print "\n$line";
+	}
+	foreach my $preconfig (keys %preconfig) {
+		my $cmds;
+		foreach my $cfg (@{$preconfig{$preconfig}}) {
+			my $conf = $cfg->{id};
+			$conf =~ tr/\.-/__/;
+			$cmds .= "\techo \"uci set '$cfg->{id}=\$(subst \",,\$(CONFIG_UCI_PRECONFIG_$conf))'\"; \\\n";
+		}
+		next unless $cmds;
+		print <<EOF
+\$(TARGET_DIR)/etc/uci-defaults/$preconfig: FORCE
+	( \\
+$cmds \\
+	) > \$@
+preconfig: \$(TARGET_DIR)/etc/uci-defaults/$preconfig
+	}
 sub parse_command() {
 	my $cmd = shift @ARGV;
 	for ($cmd) {
 		/^target_mk$/ and return gen_target_mk();
 		/^target_config$/ and return gen_target_config();
+		/^package_mk$/ and return gen_package_mk();
 		/^package_config$/ and return gen_package_config();
 	print <<EOF
 Available Commands:
 	$0 target_mk [file] 		Target metadata in makefile format
 	$0 target_config [file] 	Target metadata in Kconfig format
+	$0 package_mk [file] 		Package metadata in makefile format
 	$0 package_config [file] 	Package metadata in Kconfig format
cgit v1.1