#!/bin/sh # Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org . /etc/functions.sh size=$(awk '/MemTotal:/ {l=5242880;mt=($2*1024);print((s=mt/2)<l)?mt-l:s}' /proc/meminfo) mount none /tmp -t tmpfs -o size=$size,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777 if grep devfs /proc/filesystems > /dev/null; then mount none /dev -t devfs M0=/dev/pty/m0 M1=/dev/pty/m1 HOTPLUG=/sbin/hotplug-call else mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /dev -o size=512K mknod /dev/console c 5 1 mkdir /dev/shm /sbin/hotplug2 --no-persistent --coldplug --set-rules-file /etc/hotplug2-init.rules M0=/dev/ptmx M1=/dev/ptmx HOTPLUG= fi mkdir -p /dev/pts /dev/shm mount none /dev/pts -t devpts # the shell really doesn't like having stdin/out closed # that's why we use /dev/pty/m0 and m1 as replacement # for /dev/console if there's no serial console available dd if=/dev/console of=/dev/null bs=1 count=0 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \ exec <$M0 >$M1 2>&0 echo "$HOTPLUG" > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug jffs2_ready () { mtdpart="$(find_mtd_part rootfs_data)" magic=$(hexdump $mtdpart -n 4 -e '4/1 "%02x"') [ "$magic" != "deadc0de" ] } [ failsafe != "$1" ] && { grep rootfs_data /proc/mtd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && { . /bin/firstboot mtd unlock rootfs_data jffs2_ready && { echo "switching to jffs2" mount "$(find_mtd_part rootfs_data)" /jffs -t jffs2 && \ fopivot /jffs /rom } || { echo "jffs2 not ready yet; using ramdisk" ramoverlay } } || { mtd unlock rootfs mount -o remount,rw /dev/root / } }