/* * A loadable module that benchmarks the OCF crypto speed from kernel space. * * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 David McCullough <david_mccullough@mcafee.com> * * LICENSE TERMS * * The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary * form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that: * * 1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * * 2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other associated materials; * * 3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products * built using this software without specific written permission. * * ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product * may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), * in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above. * * DISCLAIMER * * This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties * in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness * and/or fitness for purpose. */ #include <linux/version.h> #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,38) && !defined(AUTOCONF_INCLUDED) #include <linux/config.h> #endif #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/list.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/wait.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/spinlock.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <cryptodev.h> #ifdef I_HAVE_AN_XSCALE_WITH_INTEL_SDK #define BENCH_IXP_ACCESS_LIB 1 #endif #ifdef BENCH_IXP_ACCESS_LIB #include <IxTypes.h> #include <IxOsBuffMgt.h> #include <IxNpeDl.h> #include <IxCryptoAcc.h> #include <IxQMgr.h> #include <IxOsServices.h> #include <IxOsCacheMMU.h> #endif /* * support for access lib version 1.4 */ #ifndef IX_MBUF_PRIV #define IX_MBUF_PRIV(x) ((x)->priv) #endif /* * the number of simultaneously active requests */ static int request_q_len = 40; module_param(request_q_len, int, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(request_q_len, "Number of outstanding requests"); /* * how many requests we want to have processed */ static int request_num = 1024; module_param(request_num, int, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(request_num, "run for at least this many requests"); /* * the size of each request */ static int request_size = 1488; module_param(request_size, int, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(request_size, "size of each request"); /* * OCF batching of requests */ static int request_batch = 1; module_param(request_batch, int, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(request_batch, "enable OCF request batching"); /* * OCF immediate callback on completion */ static int request_cbimm = 1; module_param(request_cbimm, int, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(request_cbimm, "enable OCF immediate callback on completion"); /* * a structure for each request */ typedef struct { struct work_struct work; #ifdef BENCH_IXP_ACCESS_LIB IX_MBUF mbuf; #endif unsigned char *buffer; } request_t; static request_t *requests; static spinlock_t ocfbench_counter_lock; static int outstanding; static int total; /*************************************************************************/ /* * OCF benchmark routines */ static uint64_t ocf_cryptoid; static unsigned long jstart, jstop; static int ocf_init(void); static int ocf_cb(struct cryptop *crp); static void ocf_request(void *arg); #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,20) static void ocf_request_wq(struct work_struct *work); #endif static int ocf_init(void) { int error; struct cryptoini crie, cria; struct cryptodesc crda, crde; memset(&crie, 0, sizeof(crie)); memset(&cria, 0, sizeof(cria)); memset(&crde, 0, sizeof(crde)); memset(&crda, 0, sizeof(crda)); cria.cri_alg = CRYPTO_SHA1_HMAC; cria.cri_klen = 20 * 8; cria.cri_key = "0123456789abcdefghij"; //crie.cri_alg = CRYPTO_3DES_CBC; crie.cri_alg = CRYPTO_AES_CBC; crie.cri_klen = 24 * 8; crie.cri_key = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn"; crie.cri_next = &cria; error = crypto_newsession(&ocf_cryptoid, &crie, CRYPTOCAP_F_HARDWARE | CRYPTOCAP_F_SOFTWARE); if (error) { printk("crypto_newsession failed %d\n", error); return -1; } return 0; } static int ocf_cb(struct cryptop *crp) { request_t *r = (request_t *) crp->crp_opaque; unsigned long flags; if (crp->crp_etype) printk("Error in OCF processing: %d\n", crp->crp_etype); crypto_freereq(crp); crp = NULL; /* do all requests but take at least 1 second */ spin_lock_irqsave(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); total++; if (total > request_num && jstart + HZ < jiffies) { outstanding--; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); return 0; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); schedule_work(&r->work); return 0; } static void ocf_request(void *arg) { request_t *r = arg; struct cryptop *crp = crypto_getreq(2); struct cryptodesc *crde, *crda; unsigned long flags; if (!crp) { spin_lock_irqsave(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); outstanding--; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); return; } crde = crp->crp_desc; crda = crde->crd_next; crda->crd_skip = 0; crda->crd_flags = 0; crda->crd_len = request_size; crda->crd_inject = request_size; crda->crd_alg = CRYPTO_SHA1_HMAC; crda->crd_key = "0123456789abcdefghij"; crda->crd_klen = 20 * 8; crde->crd_skip = 0; crde->crd_flags = CRD_F_IV_EXPLICIT | CRD_F_ENCRYPT; crde->crd_len = request_size; crde->crd_inject = request_size; //crde->crd_alg = CRYPTO_3DES_CBC; crde->crd_alg = CRYPTO_AES_CBC; crde->crd_key = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn"; crde->crd_klen = 24 * 8; crp->crp_ilen = request_size + 64; crp->crp_flags = 0; if (request_batch) crp->crp_flags |= CRYPTO_F_BATCH; if (request_cbimm) crp->crp_flags |= CRYPTO_F_CBIMM; crp->crp_buf = (caddr_t) r->buffer; crp->crp_callback = ocf_cb; crp->crp_sid = ocf_cryptoid; crp->crp_opaque = (caddr_t) r; crypto_dispatch(crp); } #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,20) static void ocf_request_wq(struct work_struct *work) { request_t *r = container_of(work, request_t, work); ocf_request(r); } #endif static void ocf_done(void) { crypto_freesession(ocf_cryptoid); } /*************************************************************************/ #ifdef BENCH_IXP_ACCESS_LIB /*************************************************************************/ /* * CryptoAcc benchmark routines */ static IxCryptoAccCtx ixp_ctx; static UINT32 ixp_ctx_id; static IX_MBUF ixp_pri; static IX_MBUF ixp_sec; static int ixp_registered = 0; static void ixp_register_cb(UINT32 ctx_id, IX_MBUF *bufp, IxCryptoAccStatus status); static void ixp_perform_cb(UINT32 ctx_id, IX_MBUF *sbufp, IX_MBUF *dbufp, IxCryptoAccStatus status); static void ixp_request(void *arg); #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,20) static void ixp_request_wq(struct work_struct *work); #endif static int ixp_init(void) { IxCryptoAccStatus status; ixp_ctx.cipherCtx.cipherAlgo = IX_CRYPTO_ACC_CIPHER_3DES; ixp_ctx.cipherCtx.cipherMode = IX_CRYPTO_ACC_MODE_CBC; ixp_ctx.cipherCtx.cipherKeyLen = 24; ixp_ctx.cipherCtx.cipherBlockLen = IX_CRYPTO_ACC_DES_BLOCK_64; ixp_ctx.cipherCtx.cipherInitialVectorLen = IX_CRYPTO_ACC_DES_IV_64; memcpy(ixp_ctx.cipherCtx.key.cipherKey, "0123456789abcdefghijklmn", 24); ixp_ctx.authCtx.authAlgo = IX_CRYPTO_ACC_AUTH_SHA1; ixp_ctx.authCtx.authDigestLen = 12; ixp_ctx.authCtx.aadLen = 0; ixp_ctx.authCtx.authKeyLen = 20; memcpy(ixp_ctx.authCtx.key.authKey, "0123456789abcdefghij", 20); ixp_ctx.useDifferentSrcAndDestMbufs = 0; ixp_ctx.operation = IX_CRYPTO_ACC_OP_ENCRYPT_AUTH ; IX_MBUF_MLEN(&ixp_pri) = IX_MBUF_PKT_LEN(&ixp_pri) = 128; IX_MBUF_MDATA(&ixp_pri) = (unsigned char *) kmalloc(128, SLAB_ATOMIC); IX_MBUF_MLEN(&ixp_sec) = IX_MBUF_PKT_LEN(&ixp_sec) = 128; IX_MBUF_MDATA(&ixp_sec) = (unsigned char *) kmalloc(128, SLAB_ATOMIC); status = ixCryptoAccCtxRegister(&ixp_ctx, &ixp_pri, &ixp_sec, ixp_register_cb, ixp_perform_cb, &ixp_ctx_id); if (IX_CRYPTO_ACC_STATUS_SUCCESS == status) { while (!ixp_registered) schedule(); return ixp_registered < 0 ? -1 : 0; } printk("ixp: ixCryptoAccCtxRegister failed %d\n", status); return -1; } static void ixp_register_cb(UINT32 ctx_id, IX_MBUF *bufp, IxCryptoAccStatus status) { if (bufp) { IX_MBUF_MLEN(bufp) = IX_MBUF_PKT_LEN(bufp) = 0; kfree(IX_MBUF_MDATA(bufp)); IX_MBUF_MDATA(bufp) = NULL; } if (IX_CRYPTO_ACC_STATUS_WAIT == status) return; if (IX_CRYPTO_ACC_STATUS_SUCCESS == status) ixp_registered = 1; else ixp_registered = -1; } static void ixp_perform_cb( UINT32 ctx_id, IX_MBUF *sbufp, IX_MBUF *dbufp, IxCryptoAccStatus status) { request_t *r = NULL; unsigned long flags; /* do all requests but take at least 1 second */ spin_lock_irqsave(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); total++; if (total > request_num && jstart + HZ < jiffies) { outstanding--; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); return; } if (!sbufp || !(r = IX_MBUF_PRIV(sbufp))) { printk("crappo %p %p\n", sbufp, r); outstanding--; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); return; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); schedule_work(&r->work); } static void ixp_request(void *arg) { request_t *r = arg; IxCryptoAccStatus status; unsigned long flags; memset(&r->mbuf, 0, sizeof(r->mbuf)); IX_MBUF_MLEN(&r->mbuf) = IX_MBUF_PKT_LEN(&r->mbuf) = request_size + 64; IX_MBUF_MDATA(&r->mbuf) = r->buffer; IX_MBUF_PRIV(&r->mbuf) = r; status = ixCryptoAccAuthCryptPerform(ixp_ctx_id, &r->mbuf, NULL, 0, request_size, 0, request_size, request_size, r->buffer); if (IX_CRYPTO_ACC_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) { printk("status1 = %d\n", status); spin_lock_irqsave(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); outstanding--; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); return; } return; } #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,20) static void ixp_request_wq(struct work_struct *work) { request_t *r = container_of(work, request_t, work); ixp_request(r); } #endif static void ixp_done(void) { /* we should free the session here but I am lazy :-) */ } /*************************************************************************/ #endif /* BENCH_IXP_ACCESS_LIB */ /*************************************************************************/ int ocfbench_init(void) { int i; unsigned long mbps; unsigned long flags; printk("Crypto Speed tests\n"); requests = kmalloc(sizeof(request_t) * request_q_len, GFP_KERNEL); if (!requests) { printk("malloc failed\n"); return -EINVAL; } for (i = 0; i < request_q_len; i++) { /* +64 for return data */ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,20) INIT_WORK(&requests[i].work, ocf_request_wq); #else INIT_WORK(&requests[i].work, ocf_request, &requests[i]); #endif requests[i].buffer = kmalloc(request_size + 128, GFP_DMA); if (!requests[i].buffer) { printk("malloc failed\n"); return -EINVAL; } memset(requests[i].buffer, '0' + i, request_size + 128); } /* * OCF benchmark */ printk("OCF: testing ...\n"); if (ocf_init() == -1) return -EINVAL; spin_lock_init(&ocfbench_counter_lock); total = outstanding = 0; jstart = jiffies; for (i = 0; i < request_q_len; i++) { spin_lock_irqsave(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); outstanding++; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); ocf_request(&requests[i]); } while (outstanding > 0) schedule(); jstop = jiffies; mbps = 0; if (jstop > jstart) { mbps = (unsigned long) total * (unsigned long) request_size * 8; mbps /= ((jstop - jstart) * 1000) / HZ; } printk("OCF: %d requests of %d bytes in %d jiffies (%d.%03d Mbps)\n", total, request_size, (int)(jstop - jstart), ((int)mbps) / 1000, ((int)mbps) % 1000); ocf_done(); #ifdef BENCH_IXP_ACCESS_LIB /* * IXP benchmark */ printk("IXP: testing ...\n"); ixp_init(); total = outstanding = 0; jstart = jiffies; for (i = 0; i < request_q_len; i++) { #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,20) INIT_WORK(&requests[i].work, ixp_request_wq); #else INIT_WORK(&requests[i].work, ixp_request, &requests[i]); #endif spin_lock_irqsave(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); outstanding++; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); ixp_request(&requests[i]); } while (outstanding > 0) schedule(); jstop = jiffies; mbps = 0; if (jstop > jstart) { mbps = (unsigned long) total * (unsigned long) request_size * 8; mbps /= ((jstop - jstart) * 1000) / HZ; } printk("IXP: %d requests of %d bytes in %d jiffies (%d.%03d Mbps)\n", total, request_size, jstop - jstart, ((int)mbps) / 1000, ((int)mbps) % 1000); ixp_done(); #endif /* BENCH_IXP_ACCESS_LIB */ for (i = 0; i < request_q_len; i++) kfree(requests[i].buffer); kfree(requests); return -EINVAL; /* always fail to load so it can be re-run quickly ;-) */ } static void __exit ocfbench_exit(void) { } module_init(ocfbench_init); module_exit(ocfbench_exit); MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL"); MODULE_AUTHOR("David McCullough <david_mccullough@mcafee.com>"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Benchmark various in-kernel crypto speeds");