#include <asm/asm.h> #include <asm/regdef.h> #define KSEG0 0x80000000 #define C0_CONFIG $16 #define C0_TAGLO $28 #define C0_TAGHI $29 #define CONF1_DA_SHIFT 7 /* D$ associativity */ #define CONF1_DA_MASK 0x00000380 #define CONF1_DA_BASE 1 #define CONF1_DL_SHIFT 10 /* D$ line size */ #define CONF1_DL_MASK 0x00001c00 #define CONF1_DL_BASE 2 #define CONF1_DS_SHIFT 13 /* D$ sets/way */ #define CONF1_DS_MASK 0x0000e000 #define CONF1_DS_BASE 64 #define CONF1_IA_SHIFT 16 /* I$ associativity */ #define CONF1_IA_MASK 0x00070000 #define CONF1_IA_BASE 1 #define CONF1_IL_SHIFT 19 /* I$ line size */ #define CONF1_IL_MASK 0x00380000 #define CONF1_IL_BASE 2 #define CONF1_IS_SHIFT 22 /* Instruction cache sets/way */ #define CONF1_IS_MASK 0x01c00000 #define CONF1_IS_BASE 64 #define Index_Invalidate_I 0x00 #define Index_Writeback_Inv_D 0x01 LEAF(_start) .set mips32 .set noreorder /* save argument registers */ move t4, a0 move t5, a1 move t6, a2 move t7, a3 /* set up stack */ li sp, RAMSTART + RAMSIZE - 16 #ifdef IMAGE_COPY /* Copy decompressor code to the right place */ li t2, LOADADDR add a0, t2, 0 la a1, code_start la a2, code_stop $L1: lw t0, 0(a1) sw t0, 0(a0) add a1, 4 add a0, 4 blt a1, a2, $L1 nop #endif /* At this point we need to invalidate dcache and */ /* icache before jumping to new code */ 1: /* Get cache sizes */ mfc0 s0,C0_CONFIG,1 li s1,CONF1_DL_MASK and s1,s0 beq s1,zero,nodc nop srl s1,CONF1_DL_SHIFT li t0,CONF1_DL_BASE sll s1,t0,s1 /* s1 has D$ cache line size */ li s2,CONF1_DA_MASK and s2,s0 srl s2,CONF1_DA_SHIFT addiu s2,CONF1_DA_BASE /* s2 now has D$ associativity */ li t0,CONF1_DS_MASK and t0,s0 srl t0,CONF1_DS_SHIFT li s3,CONF1_DS_BASE sll s3,s3,t0 /* s3 has D$ sets per way */ multu s2,s3 /* sets/way * associativity */ mflo t0 /* total cache lines */ multu s1,t0 /* D$ linesize * lines */ mflo s2 /* s2 is now D$ size in bytes */ /* Initilize the D$: */ mtc0 zero,C0_TAGLO mtc0 zero,C0_TAGHI li t0,KSEG0 /* Just an address for the first $ line */ addu t1,t0,s2 /* + size of cache == end */ 1: cache Index_Writeback_Inv_D,0(t0) bne t0,t1,1b addu t0,s1 nodc: /* Now we get to do it all again for the I$ */ move s3,zero /* just in case there is no icache */ move s4,zero li t0,CONF1_IL_MASK and t0,s0 beq t0,zero,noic nop srl t0,CONF1_IL_SHIFT li s3,CONF1_IL_BASE sll s3,t0 /* s3 has I$ cache line size */ li t0,CONF1_IA_MASK and t0,s0 srl t0,CONF1_IA_SHIFT addiu s4,t0,CONF1_IA_BASE /* s4 now has I$ associativity */ li t0,CONF1_IS_MASK and t0,s0 srl t0,CONF1_IS_SHIFT li s5,CONF1_IS_BASE sll s5,t0 /* s5 has I$ sets per way */ multu s4,s5 /* sets/way * associativity */ mflo t0 /* s4 is now total cache lines */ multu s3,t0 /* I$ linesize * lines */ mflo s4 /* s4 is cache size in bytes */ /* Initilize the I$: */ mtc0 zero,C0_TAGLO mtc0 zero,C0_TAGHI li t0,KSEG0 /* Just an address for the first $ line */ addu t1,t0,s4 /* + size of cache == end */ 1: cache Index_Invalidate_I,0(t0) bne t0,t1,1b addu t0,s3 noic: /* jump to main */ move a0,s4 /* icache size */ move a1,s3 /* icache line size */ move a2,s2 /* dcache size */ #ifdef IMAGE_COPY jal t2 #else jal entry #endif move a3,s1 /* dcache line size */ .set reorder END(_start)