From: Sean Cross <>
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] ARM: imx: Add LVDS general-purpose clocks to i.MX6Q

The i.MX6 has two general-purpose LVDS clocks that can be driven
from a variety of sources.  This patch adds a mux and a gate for
both of these clocks.

Signed-off-by: Sean Cross <>
Signed-off-by: Shawn Guo <>
 .../devicetree/bindings/clock/imx6q-clock.txt        |  4 ++++
 arch/arm/mach-imx/clk-imx6q.c                        | 20 +++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/imx6q-clock.txt
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/imx6q-clock.txt
@@ -208,6 +208,10 @@ clocks and IDs.
 	pll4_post_div		193
 	pll5_post_div		194
 	pll5_video_div		195
+	lvds1_sel		204
+	lvds2_sel		205
+	lvds1_gate		206
+	lvds2_gate		207
--- a/arch/arm/mach-imx/clk-imx6q.c
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-imx/clk-imx6q.c
@@ -205,6 +205,11 @@ static const char *vpu_axi_sels[]	= { "a
 static const char *cko1_sels[]	= { "pll3_usb_otg", "pll2_bus", "pll1_sys", "pll5_video_div",
 				    "dummy", "axi", "enfc", "ipu1_di0", "ipu1_di1", "ipu2_di0",
 				    "ipu2_di1", "ahb", "ipg", "ipg_per", "ckil", "pll4_post_div", };
+static const char *lvds_sels[] = {
+	"dummy", "dummy", "dummy", "dummy", "dummy", "dummy",
+	"pll4_audio", "pll5_video", "pll8_mlb", "enet_ref",
+	"pcie_ref", "sata_ref",
 enum mx6q_clks {
 	dummy, ckil, ckih, osc, pll2_pfd0_352m, pll2_pfd1_594m, pll2_pfd2_396m,
@@ -238,7 +243,8 @@ enum mx6q_clks {
 	pll4_audio, pll5_video, pll8_mlb, pll7_usb_host, pll6_enet, ssi1_ipg,
 	ssi2_ipg, ssi3_ipg, rom, usbphy1, usbphy2, ldb_di0_div_3_5, ldb_di1_div_3_5,
 	sata_ref, sata_ref_100m, pcie_ref, pcie_ref_125m, enet_ref, usbphy1_gate,
-	usbphy2_gate, pll4_post_div, pll5_post_div, pll5_video_div, clk_max
+	usbphy2_gate, pll4_post_div, pll5_post_div, pll5_video_div,
+	lvds1_sel, lvds2_sel, lvds1_gate, lvds2_gate, clk_max
 static struct clk *clk[clk_max];
@@ -340,6 +346,18 @@ int __init mx6q_clocks_init(void)
 			base + 0xe0, 0, 2, 0, clk_enet_ref_table,
+	clk[lvds1_sel] = imx_clk_mux("lvds1_sel", base + 0x160, 0, 5, lvds_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(lvds_sels));
+	clk[lvds2_sel] = imx_clk_mux("lvds2_sel", base + 0x160, 5, 5, lvds_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(lvds_sels));
+	/*
+	 * lvds1_gate and lvds2_gate are pseudo-gates.  Both can be
+	 * independently configured as clock inputs or outputs.  We treat
+	 * the "output_enable" bit as a gate, even though it's really just
+	 * enabling clock output.
+	 */
+	clk[lvds1_gate] = imx_clk_gate("lvds1_gate", "dummy", base + 0x160, 10);
+	clk[lvds2_gate] = imx_clk_gate("lvds2_gate", "dummy", base + 0x160, 11);
 	/*                                name              parent_name        reg       idx */
 	clk[pll2_pfd0_352m] = imx_clk_pfd("pll2_pfd0_352m", "pll2_bus",     base + 0x100, 0);
 	clk[pll2_pfd1_594m] = imx_clk_pfd("pll2_pfd1_594m", "pll2_bus",     base + 0x100, 1);