/* * makeamitbin - create firmware binaries for MGB100 * * Copyright (C) 2007 Volker Weiss <dev@tintuc.de> * Christian Welzel <dev@welzel-online.ch> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /* defaults: Level One WAP-0007 */ static char *ascii1 = "DDC_RUS001"; static char *ascii2 = "Queen"; static struct hdrinfo { char *name; unsigned long unknown; /* can probably be any number, maybe version number */ int topalign; unsigned int addr; unsigned int size; } hdrinfo[] = { { "bios", 0xc76be111, 1, 0x3fa000, 0x006000 }, /* BIOS */ { "recovery", 0xc76be222, 0, 0x3f0000, 0x004000 }, /* Recovery Loader */ { "linux", 0xc76bee9d, 0, 0x000000, 0x100000 }, /* Linux */ { "ramdisk", 0xc76bee9d, 0, 0x100000, 0x280000 }, /* ramdisk */ { "amitconfig", 0xc76bee8b, 0, 0x380000, 0x060000 }, /* AMIT config */ { "redboot", 0x00000000, 1, 0x3d0000, 0x030000 }, /* Redboot 128kB image */ { "redbootlow", 0, 0, 0x3e0000, 0x18000 }, /* Redboot 1. part */ { "redboothigh", 0, 0, 0x3fa000, 0x6000 }, /* Redboot 2. part */ { "linux3g", 0xcb5f06b5, 0, 0x000000, 0x100000 }, /* Linux */ { "ramdisk3g", 0xcb5f06b5, 0, 0x100000, 0x280000 }, /* ramdisk */ { NULL } }; /* CHD2WLANU_R400b7 11e1 6bc7 22e2 6bc7 5dc3 47c8 5cc3 47c8 21c3 47c8 */ /* 20060106_DDC_WAP-0007_R400b4 11e1 6bc7 22e2 6bc7 9dee 6bc7 9dee 6bc7 8bee 6bc7 */ /* WMU-6000FS_R400b6 11e1 6bc7 22e2 6bc7 6d2d 0fc8 6c2d 0fc8 542d 0fc8 */ /* WAP-0007(R4.00b8)_2006-10-02 9979 5fc8 22e2 6bc7 c46e cec8 c36e cec8 a76e cec8 */ #define HDRSIZE 80 #define COPY_SHORT(d, o, v) d[o+0] = (unsigned char)((v) & 0xff); \ d[o+1] = (unsigned char)(((v) >> 8) & 0xff) #define COPY_LONG(d, o, v) d[o+0] = (unsigned char)((v) & 0xff); \ d[o+1] = (unsigned char)(((v) >> 8) & 0xff); \ d[o+2] = (unsigned char)(((v) >> 16) & 0xff); \ d[o+3] = (unsigned char)(((v) >> 24) & 0xff) #define READ_SHORT(d, o) ((unsigned short)(d[o+0]) + \ (((unsigned short)(d[o+1])) << 8)) /* 00..0d ASCII product ID 0e..0f checksum of payload 10..1b ASCII Queen 1c..1f AMIT BIOS: 11e1 6bc7, Recovery Tool: 22e2 6bc7 Linux: 5dc3 47c8, ramdisk: 5cc3 47c8 AMIT FS: 21c3 47c8 VERSION NUMBER?????? 20..23 offset in flash aligned to segment boundary 24..27 length in flash aligned to segment boundary 28..2b offset in flash (payload) 2c..2f length (payload) 30..3f always 0 40..47 always 4248 0101 5000 0001 (last maybe .....0501) 48..4b same as 20..23 4c..4d always 0b00 4e..4f inverted checksum of header */ unsigned short checksum(unsigned char *data, long size) { long n; unsigned short d, cs = 0; for (n = 0; n < size; n += 2) { d = READ_SHORT(data, n); cs += d; if (cs < d) cs++; } if (size & 1) { d = data[n]; cs += d; if (cs < d) cs++; } return cs; } void showhdr(unsigned char *hdr) { int i, j; for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { printf("%02x ", (unsigned int)(hdr[j * 16 + i])); } printf(" "); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { unsigned char d = hdr[j * 16 + i]; printf("%c", (d >= ' ' && d < 127) ? d : '.'); } printf("\n"); } } void makehdr(unsigned char *hdr, struct hdrinfo *info, unsigned char *data, long size, int last) { unsigned int offset = info->addr + 0x10; memset(hdr, 0, HDRSIZE); if (info->topalign) offset = info->addr + info->size - size; /* top align */ strncpy((char *)hdr + 0x00, ascii1, 14); strncpy((char *)hdr + 0x10, ascii2, 12); COPY_LONG(hdr, 0x1c, info->unknown); COPY_LONG(hdr, 0x20, info->addr); COPY_LONG(hdr, 0x24, info->size); COPY_LONG(hdr, 0x28, offset); COPY_LONG(hdr, 0x2c, size); COPY_LONG(hdr, 0x40, 0x01014842); COPY_LONG(hdr, 0x44, last ? 0x01050050 : 0x01000050); COPY_LONG(hdr, 0x48, info->addr); COPY_SHORT(hdr, 0x4c, info->unknown == 0xcb5f06b5 ? 0x0016 : 0x000b); COPY_SHORT(hdr, 0x0e, checksum(data, size)); COPY_SHORT(hdr, 0x4e, ~checksum(hdr, HDRSIZE)); } unsigned char *read_file(const char *name, long *size) { FILE *f; unsigned char *data = NULL; *size = 0; f = fopen(name, "r"); if (f != NULL) { if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END) == 0) { *size = ftell(f); if (*size != -1) { if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0) { data = (unsigned char *)malloc(*size); if (data != NULL) { if (fread(data, sizeof(char), *size, f) != *size) { free(data); data = NULL; } } } } } fclose(f); } return data; } struct hdrinfo *find_hdrinfo(const char *name) { int n; for (n = 0; hdrinfo[n].name != NULL; n++) { if (strcmp(name, hdrinfo[n].name) == 0) return &hdrinfo[n]; } return NULL; } void oferror(FILE *f) { printf("file error\n"); exit(2); } void showhelp(void) { printf("Syntax: makeamitbin [options]\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -1 ID1\tFirmware identifier 1, e.g. 'DDC_RUS001' for manufacturer LevelOne\n"); printf(" -2 ID2\tFirmware identifier 2, 'Queen' in all known cases\n"); printf(" -o FILE\tOutput file\n"); printf(" -ids\t\tShow a list of known firmware identifiers.\n"); exit(1); } void show_fwids(void) { printf("List of known firmware identifiers:\n"); printf("Manufacturer\t\tProduct\t\tIdentifier\n"); printf("=====================================================\n"); printf("Conceptronic\t\tCHD2WLANU\tLLM_RUS001\n"); printf("Pearl\t\t\tPE6643\t\tQueen\n"); printf("Micronica\t\tMGB100\t\tQueen\n"); printf("LevelOne\t\tWAP-0007\tDDC_RUS001\n"); printf("SMC\t\t\tWAPS-G\t\tSMC_RUS001\n"); printf("OvisLink (AirLive)\tWMU-6\t\tOVS_RUS001\n"); printf("SafeCom SWSAPUR-5\tFMW\t\tSafeco_RPS001\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char hdr[HDRSIZE]; unsigned char *data; FILE *of; char *outfile = NULL; char *type; struct hdrinfo *info; long size; int last = 0; int n; for (n = 1; n < argc; n++) { if (strcmp(argv[n], "-1") == 0) ascii1 = argv[n+1]; if (strcmp(argv[n], "-2") == 0) ascii2 = argv[n+1]; if (strcmp(argv[n], "-o") == 0) outfile = argv[n+1]; if (strcmp(argv[n], "-ids") == 0) show_fwids(); } if (ascii1 == NULL || ascii2 == NULL || outfile == NULL) showhelp(); of = fopen(outfile, "w"); if (of == NULL) oferror(of); for (n = 1; n < argc; n++) { if (strncmp(argv[n], "-", 1) != 0) { type = argv[n++]; if (n >= argc) showhelp(); last = ((n + 1) >= argc); /* dirty, options first! */ info = find_hdrinfo(type); if (info == NULL) showhelp(); data = read_file(argv[n], &size); if (data == NULL) showhelp(); makehdr(hdr, info, data, size, last); /* showhdr(hdr); */ if (fwrite(hdr, HDRSIZE, 1, of) != 1) oferror(of); if (fwrite(data, size, 1, of) != 1) oferror(of); free(data); } else n++; } if (fclose(of) != 0) oferror(NULL); return 0; }