 *  Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Gabor Juhos
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute  it and/or modify it
 *  under  the terms of  the GNU General  Public License as published by the
 *  Free Software Foundation;  either version 2 of the  License, or (at your
 *  option) any later version.

#ifndef _MYLOADER_H_
#define _MYLOADER_H_

 * Firmware file format:
 *	<header>
 *	[<block descriptor 0>]
 *	...
 *	[<block descriptor n>]
 *	<null block descriptor>
 *	[<block data 0>]
 *	...
 *	[<block data n>]

#define MYLO_MAGIC_FIRMWARE	0x4C594D00
#define MYLO_MAGIC_20021103	0x20021103
#define MYLO_MAGIC_20021107	0x20021107


/* Vendor ID's (seems to be same as the PCI vendor ID's) */
#define VENID_COMPEX		0x11F6

/* Devices based on the ADM5120 */
#define DEVID_COMPEX_NP27G	0x0078
#define DEVID_COMPEX_NP28G	0x044C
#define DEVID_COMPEX_NP28GHS	0x044E
#define DEVID_COMPEX_WP54Gv1C	0x0514
#define DEVID_COMPEX_WP54G	0x0515
#define DEVID_COMPEX_WP54AG	0x0546
#define DEVID_COMPEX_WPP54AG	0x0550
#define DEVID_COMPEX_WPP54G	0x0555

/* Devices based on the IXP422 */
#define DEVID_COMPEX_WP18	0x047E
#define DEVID_COMPEX_NP18A	0x0489

/* Other devices */
#define DEVID_COMPEX_NP26G8M	0x03E8
#define DEVID_COMPEX_NP26G16M	0x03E9

struct mylo_fw_header {
	uint32_t	magic;	/* must be MYLO_MAGIC_MYLO */
	uint32_t	crc;	/* CRC of the whole firmware */
	uint32_t	res0;	/* unknown/unused */
	uint32_t	res1;	/* unknown/unused */
	uint16_t	vid;	/* vendor ID */
	uint16_t	did;	/* device ID */
	uint16_t	svid;	/* sub vendor ID */
	uint16_t	sdid;	/* sub device ID */
	uint32_t	rev;	/* device revision */
	uint32_t	fwhi;	/* FIXME: firmware version high? */
	uint32_t	fwlo;	/* FIXME: firmware version low? */
	uint32_t	flags;	/* firmware flags */

#define FW_FLAG_BOARD_PARAMS_WP	0x01 /* board parameters are write protected */
#define FW_FLAG_BOOT_SECTOR_WE	0x02 /* enable of write boot sectors (below 64K) */

struct mylo_fw_blockdesc {
	uint32_t	type;	/* block type */
	uint32_t	addr;	/* relative address to flash start */
	uint32_t	dlen;	/* size of block data in bytes */
	uint32_t	blen;	/* total size of block in bytes */


struct mylo_partition {
	uint16_t	flags;	/* partition flags */
	uint16_t	type;	/* type of the partition */
	uint32_t	addr;	/* relative address of the partition from the
				   flash start */
	uint32_t	size;	/* size of the partition in bytes */
	uint32_t	param;	/* if this is the active partition, the
				   MyLoader load code to this address */

#define PARTITION_FLAG_ACTIVE	0x8000 /* this is the active partition,
					* MyLoader loads firmware from here */
#define PARTITION_FLAG_ISRAM	0x2000 /* FIXME: this is a RAM partition? */
#define PARTIIION_FLAG_RAMLOAD	0x1000 /* FIXME: load this partition into the RAM? */
#define PARTITION_FLAG_PRELOAD	0x0800 /* the partition data preloaded to RAM
					* before decompression */
#define PARTITION_FLAG_HAVEHDR  0x0002 /* the partition data have a header */


#define MYLO_MAX_PARTITIONS	8	/* maximum number of partitions in the
					   partition table */

struct mylo_partition_table {
	uint32_t	magic;	/* must be 0x20021103 */
	uint32_t	res0;	/* unknown/unused */
	uint32_t	res1;	/* unknown/unused */
	uint32_t 	res2;	/* unknown/unused */
	struct mylo_partition partitions[MYLO_MAX_PARTITIONS];

struct mylo_partition_header {
	uint32_t	len;	/* length of the partition data */
	uint32_t	crc;	/* CRC value of the partition data */

struct mylo_system_params {
	uint32_t	magic;
	uint32_t	res0;
	uint32_t	res1;
	uint32_t	mylo_ver;
	uint16_t	vid;	/* Vendor ID */
	uint16_t	did;	/* Device ID */
	uint16_t	svid;	/* Sub Vendor ID */
	uint16_t	sdid;	/* Sub Device ID */
	uint32_t	rev;	/* device revision */
	uint32_t	fwhi;
	uint32_t	fwlo;
	uint32_t	tftp_addr;
	uint32_t	prog_start;
	uint32_t	flash_size;
	uint32_t	dram_size;

struct mylo_eth_addr {
	uint8_t	mac[6];
	uint8_t	csum[2];

#define MYLO_ETHADDR_COUNT	8	/* maximum number of ethernet address
					   in the board parameters */

struct mylo_board_params {
	uint32_t	magic;
	uint32_t	res0;
	uint32_t	res1;
	uint32_t	res2;
	struct mylo_eth_addr addr[MYLO_ETHADDR_COUNT];

#endif /* _MYLOADER_H_*/